variety content creater & artist residing in the nest coofe.


[email protected]

best free website hit counter

have flown through since 03/27/2024

capidgeccino ☕ pigeon brew, pigeon, pidge

28 • she/they • twitch affiliate

i play games mediocrely but i make good coffee.

lore is brewing...

a long time ago, the planet was rich with extravagant, abundant forests full of a rich diversity of mushrooms, moss, ferns, vines and flowers of all varieties. of these, the greatest of all was the ‘aionios’ forest. a small, secluded village was situated deep within the foliage at it's center, and was inhabited solely by thirteen elves. each elf was gifted with a unique, special ability, that they used to help the village thrive and progress. the village leader was rhya, who could talk to animals, particularly the birds, which were crucial to the village for the warning of impending storms, potential predators, and even village communication. his daughter, capidgeccino, had a vast knowledge of botany from a young age and used her ability to craft medicine for the elves. life was peaceful, content and harmonious; until that fateful day.

one misty february morning, the village was awoken to the frenzied calls of a flock of crows. capidgeccino anxiously asked her father, “what is it?” to which rhya replied, “im not sure. the birds are saying it’s going to rain, but somethings not right. they’ve never acted this way for a storm.” a momentary silence hung in the air before rhya quickly returned, “pidge, let’s go to the nest.” the nest, was capidgeccino’s safe haven, situated in the tallest tree. it provided the perfect lookout of the entire forest, and she used this spot to conduct her research and store her herbs. as they rushed to the top of the tree, the rain fell closer. it didn’t take long before they realized it turned anything it touched to stone. the rain surrounded the village, and it wouldn’t be long before they were caught in it's storm. “what should we do?” capidgeccino asked. rhya smiled at her, painfully, and ran to the village. capidgeccino stayed and watched as the forest began to disappear before her very eyes. it wasn't long before she shook off the horror and quickly began preparing an elixir she hoped would be the key to saving her kind. meanwhile, her father informed the others of what was happening, and the elves began to say their farewells. after a quick mix, capidgeccino rushed down the tree trunk, desperately praying she’d make it in time. but she was too late. the rain froze her where she stood, as a statue of stone, clutching the mug of the elixir.

it’s been over a thousand years since that day and the forest has been slowly recovering; new trees have grown from pinecones that have fallen over the years and fresh grass and rivers have appeared. however, the village has long since disappeared, many of the elf statues now eroded or covered beyond recognition in vegetation.
on a misty autumn morning, a young fantail pigeon left his nest, exploring the deserted village in search of a new home. he soon stumbled across a statue with a mug filled to the brim, which he decided to use for a bath. the elixir capidgeccino had concocted thousands of years prior still sustained itself within the mug. as he splashed around, the elixir inadvertently spilled onto the statue, which then started to show cracks, eventually crumbling to reveal the elf inside.
capidgeccino opened her eyes and found the pigeon perched on the mug. despite the initial shock, the bird knew she meant no harm. her memories began to return as she slowly looked around. she was thrilled to see the tree, still standing exactly as it was before. she placed the mug on the ground and made her way towards the nest. the pigeon followed. as she gazed out, capidgeccino saw that most of the forest had grown back to its former verdant magnificence.

she reached out her arm to the sky and touched the misty haze looming overhead. the pigeon perched itself on her shoulder and she smirked in recognition. she descended the tree, and began to explore the area in search of plants and herbs that could be used for medicine, food, or even water.
after some time, she came across a river and took a short rest. before leaving, she noticed a plant that she had never seen before. its leaves were dark green, with rigid edges. it had a combination of eggshell toned flowers and a berry, that varied from bright red to deep orange. “i wonder if these are safe to eat.” the pigeon flew down to join and began to peck at the berries, then cooed, which was enough of a sign for her to take a chance.
she picked a berry and ate it. it had a similar taste to cherries, but with more of a hibiscus flavor. it was tart, sweet, and juicy. it’s pit, a hard, green seed. she gathered as many as she could find, and then made a quick return to the nest. she could hardly wait to research the newly discovered plant.
she started off by removing the seeds from each berry, some to be planted for later, and some to be researched. she then put out some birdseed for her new friend, and planted the seeds at the base of the tree. for the next three days, she studied numerous combinations with the newfound plant. she named it cascara, and soon realized that it was much more versatile than other plants she had encountered. its cherry could be consumed, while the seed could be cooked, ground up, mixed with water, or even milk. it even was found to have restored her energy. she called it cooffee.

after having been fully inspired by her research, she decided to take a break. she looked up outside, to see that misty haze she knew all too well. “everytime something important happens in my life, it's always foggy outside.” she mused, her eyes then landing on her pigeon friend. “you know, i still need a name for you. how about fog?” she continued, her mind suddenly reminiscing the warm beverage she made her village from boiled leaves and bergamot oil, with a dollop of frothy milk on top. ’it helped a lot of people feel better when they weren't feeling well.’ she thought to herself, until she finally said, “you help me feel better, fog.” she concluded, as fog softly cooed in agreement.
the next several years passed with capidgeccino continuously studying and learning more about cascara. though things may have been lonely at times, she had fog by her side, pushing her to explore more about the plant, and the endless possibilities of cooffee. capidgeccino found to be more passionate about cooffee than her other medicinal abilities, and devoted much of her time perfecting it’s craft.

the nest also got less lonely over the years.
a few new pigeons have flown through every so often.
they’d sometimes get a new egg or two, which was always welcomed.
as it was always nice to have more in the flock.

welcome to the nest coofe

thank coo for flying in! can we get you some cooffee?.

hours subject to change
please check our discord coofe for opening hours

strictly 18+ | respect your baristas! | & dont be a bad egg.


[email protected]

@milkkjug. the milkjug milk jug
It’s ya gurl MJ
My pronouns are she/her and I live down unda, Australia if you didn’t know.
When I’m not at work, I might as well live there,
I’m pretending to be a responsible adult
or playing video games or DND
If you buy me a brown sugar boba I will love you for the rest of my life and all our lives that follow.
If you ever need help navigating the server, need someone to chat to or have any concerns,
my dms are always open

@hullomads. the muddy chai
hi, I’m maddy!
my pronouns are she/they and I live in the us (est). I do technical illustration by day and video games by night. I’ll reset play almost anything but my favorites are animal crossing, stardew, and genshin!
my drink of choice is anything with a lot of sugar in it (sorry)
my dms are always open, so stop by if you like!!

@mossberrie. the strawberry squab
hii I’m julie!!
My pronouns are she/her I’m from the us (est).
I mostly play a lot of video games including acnh, Genshin, Honkai, mc , little nightmares and outlast.
I’m a big strawberry lover also a huge fan of cdramas
dms are always open if you need anything

@ditchel. early bird tea
Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm from England
and lets just say I'm officially in my late 20's yeah?
I like to play Genshin Impact , Animal Crossing and many of the other games we talk about in the server without listing them all. I'm also really into anime and specifically historical romance manhwa. You can talk to me about those any time if you're into that stuff
My drink of choice is a good old cup of English breakfast tea with milk and 2 sugars (made using a fucking kettle and not a microwave like a lunatic)
or a white mocha
I'm here to help whenever I can
but y'know just be mindful of time zones and shit

@angelfish1. coofe angel food cake
Hey, nice to meet ya! The name’s Angel.
I use he/him pronouns, and I live on the east coast (est). I’m a freshman in college with a dream of becoming a mathematics teacher while also being the most charming and humorous individual you’ll ever meet. It’s hard work, but I manage. I enjoy playing all sorts of games, such as Genshin Impact, Baldur's Gate 3, Overwatch, and many other titles!
My drink preference is water! Aquafina, in particular. And before anyone asks, yes, water definitely does taste different depending on the brand.
In all seriousness, if you ever want to chat about anything or bring up any concerns, I’m your guy! Feel free to shoot me a message anytime, I’d love to talk with you!

@high_heather. frapcooccino
howdy, heather feather here!
my pronouns are she/her and i’m from california, pst
i love my three great danes,
and actually work as a dog trainer!
my drink of choice is anything with espresso over ice with a little bit of sweetener
and sometimes a splash of cream!
other than animal crossing I don’t play much, but i’m so glad to be here with y’all! i’ll most likely be the one to ask y’all about how things work
(thanks again for teaching me about treasure islands)
but i’d love to chat with ya!
swing on by if you ever need to!

@okaes. better than okae hot chocoolate
hello, i’m kaes, one of your local baristas!
happy to be of service!
my pronouns are she/her, and i’m currently stationed in the us (pst). when i’m not serving our lovely regulars, you’ll likely find me gaming, studying, or working part-time as a veterinary assistant!
my drink of choice is a hot choccy made with oatmilk and topped with cinnamon powder.
feel free to chat with me about anything!
i'm always happy to lend an ear.

@emiibee. the moulted matcha
hullo, i’m emi!
my pronouns are she/her and i’m from canada (est), currently studying and working hard as an artist.
my favorite games include animal crossing, genshin, stray... and probably a lot more, i'm indecisive.
my drink preference is a matcha with oat milk and if you add lavender syrup to it you might become my favorite person, be warned.
feel free to chat with me, my dms are open!

@fondlycharlotte. the first bird in
hi I’m charlotte!
pronouns: she/her
I’m from wales in the uk, y’know the cool dragon flag. I’m an office coordinator by day & gamer by night. I’m profoundly deaf & wears a cochlear implant (a white one to match my aesthetic) i mostly play acnh, stardew, all the cute indie games really! my drink preference(s) are number one: a good old english brekkie with one sugar and milk & ofc i use a kettle.
number two: iced coffee with caramel syrup

egg of the month


launched in march


― *thank coo so much for your coontributions

hover for credit & click for artist's page, if applicable

overlay pt.1 pt. 2 pt. 3
general twitch stream overlay packs meshed together

various stream stickers

chat box widget

greenery transition

badge flairs

fall bit badges

all other stream art is made by me.

welcome farmer,

starcoo valley mods
last updated 03/27/2025

anything striked means the mod is no longer available


mod launcher

jsons assets
allows custom content

content patcher
allows content to be retextured

content patcher animations
allows custom animations

allows game preset filters

alternative textures
alternative of content patcher

farm type manager
allows mods to change farm framework

framework customizer

allows custom audio

more grass
allows custom grass sprites and locations

custom companions
allows custom entities

fashion sense
allows alternative character customization

custom npc exclusions
allows mods to change npc habits

moka pot farm.

est 03/25/2024

current mod count: 141



i am not gonna lie, my interface is a mess.
it is a meshed together version of all of my favorite ones,
so it's impossible to get in one download.

custom menu background
config a custom loading screen

daisyniko's earthy interface
earth toned user interface

old cola interface
washed out red toned vintage interface

vanilla accent interface
enhanced vanilla interface

mountain view redone
changes pano view

seasonal leaf cursor
retextures the cursor

flower dialogue ui
adds floral border around portraits

script font
changes font to a script

daisyniko's earthy interface
earth toned user interface

nyapu's portraits
pelican town portrait retexture

visuals & immersion


vibrant pastoral recolor (vpr)
vanilla based map recolor

vpr for stardew valley expanded
stardew expanded recolor

vpr temporary 1.6 fix
vpr 1.6 map recolor tilesheets

ren's early days - reshade preset
film preset for reshade


simple foliage
replaces most trees

stardew foliage redone
replaces most trees

simple resources
replaces resources and debris

wildflower grass field
adds flowering grass


dynamic reflections
adds reflections to mirrors and water

wind effects
adds gusts of wind through grass and trees

dynamic night time
adds a more dynamic daylight cycle

climates of ferngill
adds more game climates

quality of life

vanilla tweaks
adds various quality of life changes

carry chests
carry chests even when theyre filled

chests anywhere
access chests from anywhere

community center helper
gives helpful hints for community center bundles

generic mod config menu & gmcm options
adds in game mod configuration

happy home designer
allows for easier house designing

just luck
shows daily luck on hud

lookup anything
quick guide on anything

npc map locations
npcs shown on map at all times

to dew
handy to-do list on hud

ui info suite 2
provides helpful info on most farm activities

automatic gates
gates open automatically

on the farm

wizard style house
retextures farmhouse

hobbit holes
retextures farmhouse and cabins to hobbit holes

tanga forest buildings
retextures farm buildings

medieval sheds
retextures the sheds

fish ponds
retextures the fish ponds

pigeon mailbox
retextures farm mailbox

gwen's medieval craftables
retextures crafted items to appear more rustic

gwens paths
retextures your pathing

ghibli scarecrow replacement
retextures your scarecrows

ancestral trees
retextures the obelisk

sprinklers into mushrooms
retextures sprinklers

better crops and foraging
retextures the crops and forgeables

wildflour basic pack
rextures artisan goods

6480s giant crops & 6480's giant crop recolor
retextures and recolors the giant crops

hot spring farm cave
expands the farm cave to a hot spring

farm cave mushies
retextures the farm cave mushroom logs into sacks

in the farm

antique tv sets
retextures the tvs

greenhouse set
adds greenhouse furniture

nano's retro style furniture
adds retro furniture

prophet's bed replacement
retextures beds

west elm furniture
adds west elm theme furniture

too many swatches
adds recolors to most furniture

brullov's fire animation
retextures the fire animation

cottage core walls and floors
changes out the wallpaper and flooring

industrial kitchen and interior
retextures the kitchen

mi's and magimatica country furniture
retextures the furniture

terracotta garden pots
retextures the garden pots

divine decor
retextures furniture

chest deco
retextures the chests

guxelbit's furniture
retextures vanilla furniture

lune's offerings
retextures furniture

witch furniture
adds witch themed furniture


even better artisan goods icons
changes artisan good texture depending on type

better fishing and beach foraging
retextures the fish and beach forgeables

mason jars
retextures the preserves jar

fancy trash and resources
retextures the trash and resources

muted boosts
retextures the fertilizer

muted seeds
retextures the seeds

duck fishing buoy
retextures the buoy to a duck

natural warp statues
retextures the warp statues

animated bird tappers
retextures tree tappers to look like birds

animated frog pots
retextures crab pots to look like frogs

elle's cuter coop animals
retextures the coop animals

elle's cuter barn animals
retextures the barn animals

leh's animal overhaul
retextures all farm animals

otter's pet mod 2.0
retextures pets

pet bowl recolor
retextures your pet's water bowl

horse to broomstick
retextures the horse to a broomstick

ghostly junimos
retextures the junimos

better crops and artisan goods for sve
retextures the crops and artisanal in sv expanded

better introduction
retextures your grandfathers bed in the intro

grandpa's tools
retextures the tools

coin icon replacer
retextures the coin icon

animal crossing dig spot
retextures the dig spot

better lilypads
retextures the lilypads

squid-like squid kids
retextures the squid kids

seasonal bouquets
seasonally retextures the bouquet

stardew valley expanded
base game expansion

way back pelican town
retextures all pelican town buildings

medieval stardew valley expanded
retextures all sve pelican town buildings

daisyniko's earthy interiors
recolors the interior framework

rustic country town interior
recolors the pelican town interiors

grapeponta's vanilla interiors
retextures the pelican town interiors

seasonal special order board
gives the special orders board a seasonal retexture

firefly lamps
retextures the town lamps

rustic traveling cart
freshens up the wandering traveler

wild witch swamp
freshens up the switch swamp

pelican town

canon friendly dialogue expansion
adds more dialogue for npcs

nyapu's portraits
pelican town portrait retexture

portrait accurate npc sprites
changes npc sprites to fit their portrait

shane's new job
shane works at the saloon after joja is shut down

i fixed him
changes shane's dialogue and schedule after 6 hearts

babies take after spouse
retextures the babies

dialogue emotes
shows emotes above npcs depending on portrait

sh's wild animals
adds more random critters

better critters & ghibli critters
retextures the town critters

hat mouse and friends
gives hat mouse a day off, and friends

female farmer overhaul
adds more configuration to female character

hats wont mess up hair
hats wont alter hairstyles

expressive elf ears
adds elf ears

churpy's vivid hairstyles
adds hairstyles

traveler's attire
adds fashion sense attire

witchy rustic looks
adds fashion sense attire

flower dancing
changes flower dance animation & gives you proper outfit

spill the tea
changes drinking animation

annie's emotes
recolors emotes to custom color

backpacks and baubles
adds fashion sense backpacks

sb's oversized sleeves
adds fashion sense sleeves



by capidgeccino

coommissions are currently open!
closing april 20th.

badges $15 each

subscriber and/or bit badges for twitch)
144x144 resized to 72x72, 36x36 and 18x18


typepriceadd onprice
icon$25objectdepends on complexity
full body$40animal$10 per
simple pngtuber half body$35simple background$10
simple pngtuber full body$45complex background$30+
animated pngtuber half body$70animationdepends on complexity
animated pngtuber full body$90another character$15 per

1000x1000& 300dpi,

a drawing of your original character.
references are required.
references can be in form of photos, pinterest board or artwork.
please do not ask me to do artwork of someone else's character. i will decline.
wont do


emotes for discord, twitch or youtube)
224x224 resized to 112x112, 56x56 and 28x28

static - $20 each, 5 for $85
animated - $40 each, 5 for $160

reference sheet

character sheetprice
extra outfits$60 per
extra character$20 per
details$10 - $50 per
background details$15
lore snippit$10

a base includes your original character's front and back view in flat color,
along with any closeups that need elaboration.
anything extra is subject to additional cost.
we can spend a few days brain storming from ground zero if needed

terms of service


- payment must be sent after rough sketch is approved by client.
- all payments are made via ko-fi or paypal depending on clients preference.
- any revisions after coloring phase has started will result in $15 fee per change
- rush fees available for 20% of your coommission price
- refunds not accepted unless i am unable to finish your coommission

rights & usage

- coommissions are for personal use only (live streaming & non monetized videos okay)
- commercial rights available upon request and an additional 75% of the final price
- do not use my artwork for ai development
- i reserve the right to post and stream progress of your artwork. a 20% hush hush fee is applied for work you do not want streamed.
- do not trade, edit or claim my work as your own.
- credit is not required, but is very appreciated. link to @capidgeccino on twitter or

schedule & delivery

- daily from 10am cst - 5pm cst
- i will respond to emails and messages usually within 24 hours
- your coommission will take up to 2 weeks
- all client work is delivered via email